Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Los Segundo Medios

This week I also started teaching all of the sophomores in the Marist high school. I have 4 classes of 35 students each. All of them have names so similar that it was super hard for me to keep them straight, so I decided to have them choose “American” names. I wrote a list of the names of all of my favorite people- my friends and family, so now most of you that are reading this probably have a namesake or two in San Jose! I’ll take a picture soon. So far they have been pretty good, but of course they are high-schoolers. It makes me laugh and think back to my Gabriel Richard days, when I see the different characters in the class. Today, someone put a giant green grasshopper down the shirt of another, the kid was running around screaming, trying to take off his shirt and everyone else laughing hilariously- I am trying my best to be professional- but how could I not laugh at that? These kids are definitely the most entertaining part of my life at the moment… and I promise to keep the stories coming.


eileen said...

amazing! i want to see my student. is someone eileen??? you should name someone ryan too. because clearly i want to bolivianos!! i love that you are teaching...i can see it so perfectly!

Anna said...

you most certainly have a namesake in all of my 4 classes!! i love it because it makes it so much easier to remember their names- and pronouce them..... its way to much noise if i try to call them by their real names, i obviously havent gotten the name pronouciation down ....... oops.